Assessments are billed every six months, payable on January 31st for the first half of the year and July 31st for the 2nd half of the year. The current assessment amount for 2025 is $450, billed in two payments of $225.
Below are the most recent budget and financial statements for Fairwood Greens Homeowners' Association.
If you would like to receive an archived budget or financial statement, please send an inquiry through this website or email
Currently a 2.3% + $0.30 per transaction fee has been calculated and will be charged to the credit card in addition to the payment due. Any transaction fees are the sole responsibility of the credit card holder.
For questions related to financial matters, amount of assessment, budgets, or operating questions, please direct your inquiry in writing to our Treasurer.
Please contact our Association Bookkeeper with questions that relate to your account or to update your contact information.
Updating your phone, e-mail and mailing address help us:
If you rent your property:
Maintenance and payment of assessments remain your responsibility. Owner & tenant contact information is necessary.
If you are selling or re-financing your home:
You may be asked by your escrow or title company for FGHA's contact information to obtain information on your dues status.
Assessments are to be paid by the due date or interest will accrue. Liens, as provided in the CC&R's and the ByLaws will be filed against delinquent accounts to ensure payment. Legal expenses incurred in processing the lien will be charged to the homeowner.
Fairwood Greens
Homeowners' Association
PO Box 58053
Renton, WA 98058
Phone: (425) 227-3997
Fairwood Greens Homeowners' Association
PO Box 58053, Renton, WA 98058
PHONE (425) 227-3997; SECURITY (206) 573-4114